John de Rune Dick - Mudgee's Gaol Governor
Reflecting on his life John only sees his downfall. For the next ten years all he will have his memories. Memories of his childhood in Mauritius, a child of the empire. He remembers his time in the military, his adventures in Australia and his lost career as a Gaol Governor in Mudgee.
The loss of his family both in Mudgee and England plays on his mind, will he see them again or are they gone forever?
As a member of the upper echelons of society, how will he cope as a prisoner, an ex-gaoler, perhaps meeting some of those men that he helped imprison, can he do the hard labour, will he ever get out?
All these questions are etched in his face, a face ravaged by time.
This historical biography follows the life and tragic events of John de Rune Dick a true story of a well-educated man from a wealthy family, adventurous, strong, and committed to his life and family against a backdrop of the demon drink.